How to Manage Workplace Grapevines
You hear it, you accept it and you pass it on. You don’t question it or check if it’s valid. ‘Martin from finance told me.
Connect Experiential (Connect X) is a boutique organisation culture and change management agency.
Culture Matters.
The culture of the organization is a critical source of her competitive advantage and differentiation. Culture is also a resilience anchor and a key determinant of the organizations’ ability to navigate turbulent times.
Through a structured participative process, and robust change management tools, we support leaders to measure, design and manage the organisation’s culture in order to build stakeholder trust, achieve execution of goals and inspire optimal employee engagement.
Connect Experiential (Connect X) is a boutique organisation culture and change management agency.
Culture Matters.
The culture of the organization is a critical source of her competitive advantage and differentiation. Culture is also a resilience anchor and a key determinant of the organizations’ ability to navigate turbulent times.
Through a structured participative process, and robust change management tools, we support leaders to measure, design and manage the organisation’s culture in order to build stakeholder trust, achieve execution of goals and inspire optimal employee engagement.
The Connect X East Africa Workplace Culture Assessment Survey.
This survey serves as a platform for East Africa’s employees to express their thoughts and concerns regarding their current work environment. It aims to capture their present experiences and their aspirations for a more fulfilling workplace
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and encourage your friends and colleagues to take the assessment.
It is our experience that high performance cultures are founded on trust. This trust is developed when organisations achieve alignment, and consistency, in the principles that guide decisions about the organisations purpose, the brand and the total stakeholder experience.
Through our work, we create the context for organisational trust to emerge.
We believe that great culture develops when organizations achieve alignment in the values lived and experienced in it’s delivery on purpose, the brand, and the total stakeholder experience. This alignment results in stakeholder trust, optimization of resources and sustainability.
All our services are tailor-made to suit the context of each of our clients.
Our offering includes assessments for individuals and groups at all levels of the organisation, design and delivery of employee development and engagement programs as well as leadership coaching support
The world of work is changing fast! With so much talk about ‘new ways of working’ and ‘a new normal’, we want to contribute by ensuring that these ‘new ways’ are inclusive, fair and linked to employee well being and engagement. To participate, please complete the 15 minute survey below
We have over 10 years of specialisation and in-market experience in diagnosis, design and management of organisation culture for business performance
We maintain an active and growing network of associate consultants in different fields. We draw on their expertise to achieve excellent results in all our projects.
We are certified and experienced in the use of multiple, globally recognised tools. These tools are grounded in robust research and provide us with access to industry and best practice reports.
We utilise a very structured approach to all areas of our work and develop robust metrics to track progress and impact.
We combine varied, dynamic and well-designed employee engagement tools throughout our process. These tools drive participation, ownership and accountability.
For over 10 years, we have been engaged and retained by leading local and multinational, in multiple sectors.
Through various initiatives we have engaged teams at different levels of organisations to support behaviour change for over 10 years.
The Connect X ‘Youth at Work’ program is founded on principles developed over our 10 years of working with organization culture. We have identified a need for new ways of thinking in Kenyan work forces to push perceived boundaries of work; creativity and productivity. With this program, we will transform the way young people perceive and experience work both in employment and entrepreneurship. We will address mindsets, self leadership and the discipline of self application through teaching, coaching, advocacy and facilitating community interactions. We want our participants to embrace a values-driven approach to work and to seek common good while pursuing personal fulfillment.
You hear it, you accept it and you pass it on. You don’t question it or check if it’s valid. ‘Martin from finance told me.
The side hustle is synonymous with the Kenyan culture. It symbolizes our entrepreneurial nature and embodies our hope for a better tomorrow. It is the
“There is a way to do it better – find it” by Thomas Edison Thomas Edison, a great inventor with over 1,000 patents to his
Ikigai Lavington,
JGO 90 James Gichuru Rd,
P.O. Box 447-00200,
Connect X © 2021. All Rights Reserved.
In a ‘roots-up’ approach, we utilise hybrid tools to build a clear understanding of the enablers and disablers of strategy execution and performance, employee fulfilment and the satisfaction of stakeholders. The output is a comprehensive culture assessment report.